When you craft, purchase, or receive items, they'll be kept in your storage. To access your storage, click on the icon of a brown crate box.
Upgrading Your Storage
Upgrading your storage will allow you to hold more items. In order to upgrade your storage, you'll need to collect a certain number of:
- Plans
- Ropes
- Tools
Plans, ropes, and tools can be purchased in other players' marketplaces or can be received after you complete an Islander's special request. They can also be purchased using pearls.
When you're ready to upgrade your storage, click the storage icon and tap on the Upgrade button. If you do not have enough plans, ropes, or tools, clicking the Upgrade button will show you how much you still need to collect.
The maximum storage capacity is 1,000 items.
Emptying Your Storage
If you don't have the necessary plans, ropes, or tools to upgrade your storage, there are a few ways to get rid of items.
- Sell them in your Marketplace
- Use them to craft new items
- Plant crops
- Fulfill Islanders' requests
- Pack Hot Air Balloon Crates